Monday, January 19, 2009

Doing "Due Diligence"

as encouraged by my son has paid off... though it took some doing. There are a LOT of Posts out there that have "borrowed" the Motto, as I had, but don't give credit. Please see that the Powerful Woman's Motto posted below now has its due credit. I feel much better for having found it myself, rather than anxiously waiting for someone to accuse me of ripping off the author, now known to be Elise. The credit line is linked to her site. Please do visit her, she's got an interesting site, lots of reading recommendations and site links of interest.
So I encourage you to do your "due diligence" to give credit where credit is due, whenever possible. After all, it is the right thing to do...


  1. It's my turn now. Where in the world are you?? Are you doing due diligence since 1/19???? Are you traveling between both states? Come Back!! Hope all is well.

  2. Hello, HELLO!!! Are you there??? Please let me know all is well.
