I've just realized that, in my enthusiasm of the moment to get the preceding quote posted, I neglected to mention that although it should be attributed to Someone, Somewhere, of Sometime, I've no idea who, where or when can be credited, other than a serendipitous Forwarded email from my friend in New Hampshire.
So, my apologies to You wherever you are, and my compliments on capturing the essence of a certain joie de vivre and Attitude from which we each, of either gender, can benefit.
How do you Readers who may "lift" quotes or pics or vids of "indeterminate origin" deal with the issue of giving credit where credit is due? I do believe we all benefit by the sharing of "cultural property", but I also believe there needs to be protection as well for those who make their daily bread by virtue of their creativity and intellect. My dad was a writer by trade (comic book industry), so I've seen up close n' personal just how hard one works for what others blythely take for granted. Or take credit for (eg. Walt Disney) others' labors.
I'm interested to hear from you, knowing how many terrific items find our email boxes every day, without our even needing to go looking for them. Whaddaya say?
Old Horses
7 years ago
Do due diligence, if you can't find the source then add a note saying the source is unknown, generally someone will come along eventually (5 minutes to 5 years) and comment with the source. If all else fails, claim credit yourself.