Saturday, January 17, 2009

Giving due credit for creativity

I've just realized that, in my enthusiasm of the moment to get the preceding quote posted, I neglected to mention that although it should be attributed to Someone, Somewhere, of Sometime, I've no idea who, where or when can be credited, other than a serendipitous Forwarded email from my friend in New Hampshire.
So, my apologies to You wherever you are, and my compliments on capturing the essence of a certain joie de vivre and Attitude from which we each, of
either gender, can benefit.
How do you Readers who may "lift" quotes or pics or vids of "indeterminate origin" deal with the issue of giving credit where credit is due? I do believe we all benefit by the sharing of "cultural property", but I also believe there needs to be protection as well for those who make their daily bread by virtue of their creativity and intellect. My dad was a writer by trade (comic book industry), so I've seen up close n' personal just how hard one works for what others blythely take for granted. Or take credit for (eg. Walt Disney) others' labors.
I'm interested to hear from you, knowing how many terrific items find our email boxes every day, without our even needing to go looking for them. Whaddaya say?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Powerful Woman's Motto:

Live your life in such a way
that when your feet
hit the floor
in the morning,
Satan shudders & says...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ah, Those Inventive Japanese

I gotta admit, this had me holding my breath, cheering on the true contestants. Every one a Winner: "NOW I have enough prize winnings!-- Chomp-Chomp"

Listen, I'm a total softy for my pets, and vocal about proper care n' treatment of all animals, But I just don't take any issue with this vid. And tho' I haven't seen the TV show in entirety, the pets are obviously well cared for and happy to be well rewarded for their patience. We could stand to learn a few lessons ourselves about working toward goals and deferring pleasure n' rewards
Behind the scenes, Sebastian went around
snitching from contestants' provisions

Persistence Prevails-- Titles Return!

Back to figuring out why my first 2 posts have "titles" and the more recent ones don't? I've missed an Option ? somewhere in the Posting process? So doing a Dummy Post to check the steps again...

Our Sunday Sermon, Ladies...

Sister Myotis: On Thongs...

Just enough rope to hang myself with?

I'm beginning to suspect...
that these wonderfully generous and thoughtful gifts of just barely enough assistance to get me started-- with initial set-up, and software programs, and recommended Links from my geek kids are really [ disguised ] overtly aggressive acts of bitter revenge from their twisted psyches for whatevertheheck I didn't do right by them as children ... intended to snare their unsuspecting and OCD mother into further frustration, headache, loss of productive time and sleep... Though they are all the way out of the nest, even now they manage to keep me awake-by-proxy. Repeat
The Parents' Mantra: **
I am not responsible
for the actions of my offspring.
I will not be held responsible
for my own actions during this Full Moon....

Although, as evidence of how well I raised my daughter, she actually offered to take my car keys from me for the day as she was leaving the apartment (I'm just extended visiting) this morning to help me NOT go to Radio Shack (only place I have a "charge card") for a working digi-camera, her's having mysteriously frozen into telling us lies about no memory nor battery, etc. Anyways, though I probably, well, maybe, won't go for the camera cuz I'm totally broke and that would violate all my Sustainability Principles... what really worries me is that my involuntary response was "I'll walk."
** To avoid regrets, maintain maximum distance during Full Moon--up to 3 days prior and after

Sweet "Guinea-vere"

enjoying the gentle New Hampshire sun in her Greenville NH patio.

There is family dispute over whether he was a he, or she was a she. The "he" voters call her "Guinea". The "she" voter calls her "Guinea-vere". I've taken my stand and will fight like Lancelot to defend her gender... (not that I recall we ever checked)